How to send RAA verification email to customer?

How to send RAA verification email to customer?

  1. Login to your Reseller Panel.

  2. Navigate to the 'Customer' tab in the panel's interface.

  3. Locate and select the name of the specific customer to whom you intend to send the RAA verification email.

  4. Upon selecting the customer's name, you will be redirected to the Contact Details page. Here, proceed to click on the "Contact Management" option.

  5. Within the Contact Management section, locate and click on the "Send RAA email" button. This action will trigger the sending of the RAA verification email to the chosen customer.

  6. If the RAA verification is already completed you will be able to see the status as “Verified”.

Note : By clicking “View RAA Domain list” option you will be able to see the list of domains associated with the registrant contact email address.

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